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Apr 19, 2012

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Summary:This book is about boys from England trying to get away from the war (WWII). Soon the boys crash land on a island in the Pacific Ocean, and then they started to fined for themselves until they are recused. Now they're at each other throat, maybe this will in BLOODSHED.

The book started off with a boy with fair hair walking through the jungle, soon the rest of the boys from the plane crash and held a meeting (the beginning of the end).

Review:The descibetion of the book  was common, yet interesting because of other people review. When I readed the book it had some weird word placement and major unessary detail.

I give it

1 comment:

  1. hi, we are students doing a project regarding lord of the flies. may we have permission to use the photo with the glasses? we would really appreciate your consent. thank you for your time. and if you do allow us to, thank you.
