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Feb 13, 2014

What Up Next on Cartoon Catalogue

  • Now and then I will  blog post what I will post for next weeks if I have one planned.
  • February 20: The Law of the "Dance": I be talking about the how the law of the wild is integrated in how the girl pick their mates, how we interact on the dance floor, and more next week.
  • March 6: Minimums Wage Debate: Obama say during his State to the Union address that he will increase the minimums wage. I will be giving the pro and con of the idea based on other reaction and mine.
  • March 13: Time: "Time and Time again" is a phrase that is used to describe how awful our day is. Time is a very short thing in this world.
  • March 20: The Proof: A Nova production talks about how Andrew Wiles solves Fermat's Last Theorem.
  • March 20: “Community Service” A Good Deed or Force Labor: I will talking how community shouldn't be counted as a gradation for a high school student.
  •  Generation Like:
  • ? Becoming a Hero (Updated): The Great American Hero Everyone dreams about being a superheroes when we watch TV, Movie, Comics, and other forms have inspire us to heroes ourselves.
  • "Uncertainty" from Wilfred: A summery, quote, explanation, and a personal reflection.
  • June 12:Cartoon Catalogue Review: Princess Jellyfish: An Anime about the Otaku women-only sisterhood and their cross-dressing glamour girl/boy.
  • July 24: Souls: My theory on souls before and after death
  • August 21: Moving In: No Blog Point this week because I am moving to a new city, so I will be preoccupy by un packing and planning my stay at college
  • August 28: First Week of College: No Blog Point this week because I am settling to college life, and need to adjust my schedule to fit in my Blog Point. Thank You for waiting until I am less chaotic to post more Blog Point.

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