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Feb 20, 2014

Law of the "Dance" (Revised)


"Survival of the Fitness" a phrase coined by Charlie Darwin to explain that only the strong and the smartest animals and humans can only survive in the world. This phase applies to all species. Some people debate about whether it to be true or not, but female species are quite picky when choosing their mate to prove this phase. You'd be surprised how our physical and mental habits, interaction between people, and even our participation in life are similar to wildlife on our planet. People can debate that my blog point is either based on Sociology or Psychology perspective you choose, my followers.   

-Selecting of the Mate-

Choosing who is going to be a mate in the wild and getting a date is not really the same overall. Some animals mate for life (Voles) and some insect mate literally to the end of their lives (Praying Mantis). Human adults and teenager can mate, but the true question is how long can will the relationship last? When selecting a date, popular males and female (whoever ask first) are chosen first because of their current social status or his or her physique. Others may be already date (govern by the same principle from the previous sentences) or just got asked first whatever come first. Native Americans consider dancing as an intimate form of direct connotation may play the part of why they choose their date. Either a person driven with depression or embarrassment, others are forced to arrive in groups to the event or go it alone.

Tip: You should ask the desire person several months in advance to get a date.


When first arriving to the dance, we tend to talk with friends or standing idly by in a crowd so not to be notice. These are other ways of adapting. Chameleons change colors for many reason, first is camouflage when in danger, second social signal or showing their emotion like a mood ring, and third reaction to temperature. What make it harder for us to adapt to anything is being in the mindset that we cannot dance well. Human and chameleon both adapt to a current situation if need be when we are scared, nervous, happy, etc.

Tip: Any idiot can dance, but it takes a minute of trying to overcome your fear and gain your groove.

Tip: I suggest you close your eyes and imagine yourself someplace else.


Peacocking is showing off your best feature to gain attention of others. For example males have nothing to show off for they all wear the same tuxes with ties and pants like a plain female peacock. For females they have various ways of arousing males like wearing bright, flamboyant dresses with short skirts and show some cleavage. Male peacocks are much like female human they unveil their majestic fan of feather to arouse the female peacock. What both males and females have in common is dance moves. Birds of paradise often display colorful feathers and also dance to attract male and female birds to mate. Unfortunately female are limited because of the dresses and high heels are hard to move gracefully. Unlike females, males are able to move freely because of their limited choices of clothing.

-Territorial Dominance-

During the dance you have the sudden feeling like you are being watched. Well you are! Chaperones are like lion stalking and hunting for their prey. The job of the chaperones is to watch out for any indecent inappropriate behavior on the dance floor.  Chaperones often stand in the back arms folded and chilling looks of evil. This gives a signal that they are always watching you like Lemurs and dogs marking their territory to discourage others from trespassing. With that kind of essence tends to discourage any bad decisions from any young person for example a male getting a female pregnant.

The conclusion is my opinions on the "Survival of the Fittest". Even if it's true that the strongest and the smartest survive or most likely reproduce better offspring, our species, human beings, believe in true love is valued over a logical thinking. A female has to make choice between two male either mating with a popular, strong jock or your closest male friend? If it was a movie the female would choose the male friend over the jock. When people arrive alone to a dance, he or she tends to feel invisible within the crowd if he or she doesn't know anyone. At the Memorial High School winter dance, the students there were all very active with themselves, but I felt like someone there was alone. No matter what people it still hurt to be alone.


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