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Apr 30, 2012

Sorry Subscribers

On Thursday 4/27/12
I have forgotten to publish a blog point for my Blog.
When you get used to something for a week every week, but you too use to we may need a break from it (See School Suggestion blog points)
Thursday 5/17/12
Another entry for blog point during this time of the week is called Finals Week"
The miserable week where high school stress out, regret, etc. So until next week no new blog point due to the stresses I will face tomorrow. 😰
Thursday 7/5/12
During the week of July Monday/2 - Friday/6 I stayed with Dad because my family left for Los Vegas for a family reunion but for some reason they didn't bring me along 😒. At My dad house he live with his mom and has no Internet connection and that why I couldn't make my blog point.
Thursday 8/23/12
Today I an overwhelm with homework and have no time to publish a blog post. Sorry Subscribers 😓
Thursday 9/27/12
I'm taking a day off to come up with new blog post like reviews, daily lessons, etc. Check back later for more blog post.
Friday 10/19/12
Yesterday, Our cable was out after we ate a Crackle Barrel because we didn't pay in time and had no Internet connection. Check back next Thursday for delightful point.
Thursday 10/25/12
Today, I'm swarmp with homework from Math to French. Mostly math that I can't understand so please come next week from one of my blog points
Thursday 11/1/12
I'm taking a day off to come up with new blog post like reviews, daily lessons, etc. Check back later for more blog post.
Thursday 11/16/12
I am very swamp with HW and thinking what to on my research and having a mental breakdown with please stand for more. 😞

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