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Oct 4, 2012


During last September, my mom has threaten me to thing around her way not my way.
Just in two week my mom unjustly punish for not so real reason. On September 27 she told me to turn in my phone for not putting up the dish, yet they needed to dry over night Unreasonable is it not !  And for not taking my TV privilege too.
She said that I'm not old enough to make my own decisions and do everything her way or not do it at all. What I am surprise that she will let me not do it all instead of  doing it my way.
For example it is my job to do the dishes and she doesn't it all, and yet she tell me how to do it even though it's my job. And after the punishment began I tried to gain her and now she still doesn't appreciated.
My mom will always find faults in instead of find the good in thing, and there is no motivations in any of the thing I do for.
I get good grade, but she find in fault in me and that is why I HATE HER TO HELL!
I have felt lonely, depress, and anger but I never show from that day on. So I have to only trust my friend, from school my sister and my dad who understand because he used to be marry to that beast, and hope that he could talk her and calm her down.
My warning to all subscriber that she will take my computer and I wouldn't make any blog post from that day on please forgive me.

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