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Mar 7, 2013

CCC: Religious order accused of bulking wealthy


A Roman Catholic religious order call the Legion of Christ has been in disarray since an investigation reveal that Rev. Marcial Maciel had sexually molested seminarians and father three children. Since then this order, the Vatican has taken over, but they have been accused cheating recently died Gabrielle Mee out of six million dollars. The lawsuit was issued by Gabrielle relatives and friends, yet the order has argued that she gave them the money willingly.

Gabrielle was a strong, free-willed person and led a less restrictive life than any other member of the order. The family rebuttal that the very few chances they had with Gabrielle the Rev. Maciel had forbidding they from visiting for it might interfere with him getting her money for example Joanne McKosher wanting donation for an anti-abortion charity. The lawsuit was first introduced with documents that were sealed when the news organization started asking question. Mary Lou Dauray and Jeanne Dauray when seeing her felt something amiss was going on because when seeing Gabrielle she would  be very happy and request to meet in private. Unfortunately Judge Michael Silverstein ruled that the Dauray had no standing to sue the Legion, yet he felt sad for he believed the accusation. 
Cartoon Catalogue Comment

This order seem like a cult masking as a Catholic order because cult usually restrict any contract to the outside world and take anything worth any value to you. Cult usually started out with a corrupt leader and this Rev. Maciel is corrupt as a dirty pig, I surprise that the Vatican didn’t excruciate him. Why because they like that he bring money into the church; this is like the Protestant Reformation when the church sold passes to heaven. I suggest that the government investigate that Legion and put the stop to it.   


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