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Apr 18, 2013

Cartoon Catalogue Review: Memorial Production Crazy for You

            I always dislike musical for t thought it was a waste of time seeing them. I’ve never been to a musical until my friend EB asked me to come and see her in “Once Upon a Mattress” and I like it. I’ve seen some musical like “High School Musical” and the following Memorial production “Once Upon a Mattress” and recently “Crazy for You”; yet I’ve a choice of what I like or don’t like similar to a critic. A job of a critic is to tell the masses of how good or awful a play is. Even a hit play has it flaws from bad costume, design, and song.

            The play “Crazy for You” is mix of Broadway and Western theme set in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s jazz era. Bobby Child (played by Nate Cox), an wanna-be dancer and a reluctant fiancé, is sent to Deadrock, Nevada, to seize an old theatre for his mother’s (played by Sheridan Sone) bank. Along the way he meets Polly Baker (played by Anna Dewey) and falls in love. To gain her love and save the Gaiety Theater he pretends to be Bela Zangler (played by JT Abshier), a millionaire producer, and have the townspeople and the Zangler’s follies given put on a play and save the day. This musical has the beautiful costume of Bobby Childs, Bela Zangler, and Irene Roth’s (played by Anna Zimmerman) outrageous entire; so I like to congregate the costume department. I adore the love connection between the characters like: Tess (played by Rachael Riedford) and Bela Zangler, Mother and Everett Baker (played by Remington Colbert), Irene Roth and Lank Hankins (played by Nathan Hall), and the main characters Polly Baker and Bobby Childs, which symbolize that true love can be found in unusual places. However the finale was less than expected and should be more outrageous.

            The play is full clichés: for example a rich man in a bad relationship then falls in love at first sight routine with a “Polly”, a strong independent girl. There are more cliché to come like a person who wants to be a star, and the main character trying to save an old building from destruction. An old yet laughable moment comes when everyone laugh no matter what will all the funny accent of many cast members: JT Abshier, Bela Zangler, German accent and playboy attitude made him into the second most amusing character in the play. Austin Kuhn and Dara Rickett, the Fudors, funny British accents and high-powered curiosity had the audience laughing everytime we saw them.

My dream is to be a director of movie and/or show, yet I started to realize that play and movies are the same thing. I also have a wish to voice my opinions. That’s why I have a blog; no one gives me a chance to do so until today. Plays can debut an actor or actress’ career or even a director’s career. Everyone has ideas, talent, or perception that he he/she want out to the world for everyone to see and what appreciate, and there is nothing wrong with that kind of determination. I saw all of this in “Crazy for You”.


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