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Oct 31, 2013

Conner Williams: Boycotting Lunch

During US Government class today, we were learning about American Voter correcting Social Justice. We were talking Rosa Park refusing to give up his seat on the bus, of course everybody knows that. This spark an idea in one student's head. Conner Willaims 
often seen saying many political opinion on gun control have came up with an idea to change the Lunch Menu. He hated the idea of the same old lunch everyday, so he decide that the students should boycott lunch to see what the Committee will do. 
There are some I would like to address.
- He only is appealing to the Senior not the whole student body. 
- The Lunches aren't the bad so to speak (That's what I believe)
- Must of the people often bag their lunch
- Some family don't have any food to even pack their Lunc
Starting tomorrow he want everyone to boycott lunch. I am not for this plan I am only spending the word in which Conner is failing to do. 
Follow #ConnerRevolution @cbw_connor on Twitter 

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