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Mar 20, 2014

Cartoon Catalogue Reflection: Nova- The Proof

Mathematician through-out history has been working long and hard to find the proof in the Fermat’s Last Theorem. Pierre de Fermat, a French mathematician, proposed that the Pythagorean Theorem (x2+y2=z2) which no number other than two can be the same, but he found the proof. Unfortunately, Fermat die before delivering the news and the proof was lost to the ages. Only Andrew Wiles had the ambition to solve it when he was only ten years old. At that age he often visits the library; one day Andrew checked out a book about Pierre de Fermat's history and his last theorem. From then on he had a dream of solving the theorem and finding the proof. For seven years he isolated himself from others and even his wife to avoid any interference that would delay the process of solving it. After seven years he finally found the proof because of many different methods from other mathematician to achieve his dream, but it cost him his marriage and most of his life in the process.

 When have we said we would go to do something we have dreamed since we were little and never done it? Well the world finally has someone who did and his name is Andrew Wiles, yet he made the wrong approach of doing so. People might get sidetracked or even give up on their while others devote their whole lives. Everybody can find a halfway point on achieving their dreams between abandoning them and obsessing over them. Dreams are something that help us see the world motivate us to something better help us see clearly, and much more but how do you know when it is too much of a price to pay for. A life lesson from the video is, do not spend most of life on your dream, but do it little by little so that you can have a life.


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