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Apr 10, 2014

Becoming a Hero

Have anyone ever wonder what if your imagination, childhood dream, or even your hero were real? People as child have expected many experience based on TV to be true in real world, but reality is a cruel fate. Here is an analogy for my followers if any of you had watched The Greatest American Hero. Ralph Hinkley (William Katt) is the people and the special alien suit is our dream and wishes, and every time Ralph wear "the suit" we are realizing our dream. Everyone young or old wants to be a superhero from Batman to Hong Kong Phooey no matter what happens. We all wish to dawn on a tights, cape, and cowl, get some gadget, jump from rooftop to rooftop, and save the world from evil and corruption. Even I wish that the real world was dead and the world of superhero became realty, but the harsh world and people want to put us down. We all want to become a hero in this world

Why do we want to be heroes? Is it for the fame and glory, the appreciation, the superpowers, etc., that is up the individual? For me I want to be recognize for what I did then to be just ignore by the mass, and the superpower would be the icing on the cake. Unfortunately sometime our obsession can lead you down the path of destruction and villainy.
 For example in the movie The Amazing Spider-man 2, the character Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) idolized Spider-man ever since he saved his life, and also he remember his name. Max was unappreciated everywhere he went and wished to stand out, until the accident the made him Electro. Unfortunately his obsession of being the hero and known was his downfall and became a villain in the first place. Obsession can lead anyone down two path good or evil, right or wrong, and dark or light.
  • Batman- To  avenge his parents and clean up the street of Gotham
  • Green Arrow- To cleanse the city from the greedy businessman who corrupted it
  • Spider-man- "With Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility" -Uncle Ben
  • Poison Ivy- To save the plant kingdom
  • Mr. Freeze- To save his wife Nora
  • Deadman- Who kill him in the first place
  • These are the few Heroes and Villains feature in this blogpoint
"Heroes" are generally people we respect, admired, and role modeled after. the definition of the word "Hero" not only the protector of the good but can refer people thinking he or she is doing the right thing in there own perspective. For example the Batman is known as a vigilante or menaces by the Gotham Police expect for Commissioner Gordon but a hero of justice to others. The same treatment can also be said to Spider-man describe by J. Jonah Jameson on the Daily Bugle. Criminals and Villains can also look up to other super-villains as idol or heroes in their own way. With heroes are a  role model or menaces, maybe is in the eye of the beholder.

People not only look towards fictional characters as Heroes, but also real life heroes like Firefighter or Policemen.
More Next Time. See You Later Followers

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