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Jan 31, 2013

CCC: Famous Hacker suicide spark debate

Famous hacker’s suicide debate

Aaron Swartz was a twenty-six year old hacker prodigy and accidental martyred hero both through he was rather shy and young told by Lavoie and Breed. His way with computers had created Reddit and RSS, the technology behind blogs, podcasts, and other Web- based subscription. On a Friday, he was found dead in his New York apartment because he was relentlessly pursued by the government. Why was he pursued by the government for? It was for the free download of federal court document instead of paying a fee.

Family and friend blame the federal prosecutor and the government for his death. James Grimmelmann, a professor at New York Law School who had known Swartz for six year, said that he didn’t know the risk of his action. Even if it was a crime some people say that the punishment serve thirty-five year or four to six month in prison was too harsh for him. The stress of the trial and his depress may have led to his suicide. Despite his poor self-esteem, he still has pride in himself to be not called a felon and other would agree or disagree with himself.

Dead or alive Swartz spark a debate about the government and big business controlling the Web. U.S Attorney Carmen Ortiz feels sympathy with his family’s anger, but felt that the conduct of the trial was very appropriate and difficult in the process. She also said that “Stealing is Stealing no matter what” either physical or virtual it’s still stealing. His supporter praise him as saint trying to free what little freedom we still have today, and with nothing in return.

Glenn Greenwald a columnist from the Guardian agree with masses that it was an act of protest for a noble cause and just the aspic of being locked up for it is just obscene.


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Facebook, Twitter, Instugram and any other social network provide a widespread of information that other should not be seen and basic info for research to the world. As the newspaper said that there is a cost for receiving federal court document, yet you can learn anything from the internet from making bomb to making meth is very annoying. Why can’t any information on the internet be free much like pornography, making illegal things, etc?  

Aaron Swartz is describe by Lavoie and Breed as very smart yet painfully shy young man with depression to me show the sign of Autism. I’ve seen many crime shows like Law and Order where they pressure the suspect is hounded by the prosecutor with drama and stress would send anyone over the edge. Autistic people have a hard time expressing feel in many different situations and prefer to be alone a lot and want to make a name for them in any way possible. We can learn a lot from Aaron Swartz, but don’t praise him for it might not end well.

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