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Jan 10, 2013

CCC: Da Booms

Something definitely going 'boom' in the night 
There has been mysterious booming sound (reported last Monday night)  on the East-side of Evansville and Warrick County and no one can determine the origin of  the sound. Some people have theories about the sound like:
  • Blown Power Transformer
  • Meths Explosion
  • Sonic Boom from an aircraft
Police are checking every possible evidences on the "Twitter" and "Facebook"
Sometime before the sound incident like before Christmas and on the New Years there were some sound similar to the one who reported in the newspaper in my neighborhood. It sounded like a gun being shot. I don't know much about my nieghbor, yet I do not doubt that they are capable of doing that. But I think it just firework to me.

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