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May 30, 2013

Locust Hill Cemetery

Locust Hill Cemetery is a beautiful spot, high on a hill, that at one time was known as Lamasco.  This was homestead to a Robert Smith family in 1835.  The acreage was later acquired by the Kirkpatrick family.  A plot was set aside for a little country cemetery where friends and neighbors of the deceased did the burying.  After a few years, the cemetery was deeded to the City of Evansville. 

Corporal James Bethel Gresham was one of the first three servicemen to die in combat in WW I and is buried at Locust Hill Cemetery.  In the fall of 1945, through the efforts of the Disabled Veterans Association, a plot was set aside for a new soldier section as the old section for soldiers was full.  Large trees enhance the beauty of this cemetery providing a peaceful resting place.

Cemeteries best represent the beauty after death. The constant flower placed on artistic headstones and the respect provide beautiful scenery. The mysterious lies in the tree grown from the dead like the picture of two tree beside each between them are headstone. This cemetery also honor the known and the unknown soldier who die in battle. Today I know that one of my ancestor is buried there last name Howard. Locust Hill Cemetery is beautiful place to be honor. 


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