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May 23, 2013

Summer Vacation

What is the greatest time of the year when elementary, middle, high school, and college student look forward to? It's SUMMER TIME!!
Despite the fact that "the last day of school" for most school are on different day children and teenagers still look forward to it.
What do people on summer vacation? They can: play outside, hiking, walking, dating, dancing, play any sport you like, watching TV, relaxing, etc. They many different way to celebrate this season, but is it much better than school an I right?
After spring is over, the beauty is still he in summer. The beautiful yet annoying bird singing, the flamboyant flower blossoming or bloomer, and the main reason for camping.
Summer is also the time to finish your unfinished businesses that you couldn't do during the school year because of homework, clubs, and sport.
Summer is the season of working to gain money and experience for the future, so that no one will nag about not doing anything this summer.
Yet summer can be burden someone like who is all alone with to talk to, some contract with friends, and face to face contact that you can get at school.
Finally the last good thing about summer vacation is the sexy swimsuit on both men and women. "Bon, let me tell you something... when a girl wears a swimsuit... she practically naked" quoted Shima Renzo from Blue Exorcist.
Another unfortunate side effect of summer vacation is helicopter parents. Some parents think children are lazy during summer, so they think signing them up for activities is better.  My mom always tried to get me into stuff, yet I always tried to pass it off to last minute, luck me. Several summer ago I was volunteering for VBS (Vacation Bible School) and it was a bad experience for me, so I lied that I doing something this summer and that is that.
Summer is the time of opportunities not regret. If you have a chance to do some not because of your parent, but because of your friends and yourself.

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