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May 9, 2013

President Nixon: A Follower, Not A Leader

Richard Nixon the Thirty-seventh president of the United State of America. Face it some people know about like they the state capital HA, yet everyone know his scandals during his presidency.The following scandals were the bugging, the "hit" list, etc., but the most conventional scandal is the Watergate scandal. The scandal was located at the Watergate Hotel at Washington DC involving four former Cuban C.I.A  planning to bug the Democratic Party Office but fail and started the Domino Effect that lead to Nixon resignation. Refer to the movie "All The President's Men"
 to find out how  Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein broke down the scandal. "I really understood the reductive power of the close-up, because David had succeeded on that final day, in getting for a fleeting moment what no investigative journalist, no state prosecutor, no judiciary committee or political enemy had managed to get; Richard Nixon's face swollen and ravaged by loneliness, self-loathing and defeat. The rest of the project and its failings would not only be forgotten, they would totally cease to exist." a quote from James Reston Jr.(actor Sam Rockwell). This quote came from "Frost/Nixon" made me feel sad from Nixon for he just a follower presuaded by his peer to do these thing. Every president we did or did not vote for have their downside but there are the achievement during their presidency and focus some of the minds sets on both the good or the bad because people don't want to remember their short camings, scandals, or momment away from graces. It's annoying habit they wish to forget.
For more info on Richard Nixon refer to this link

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