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Jul 11, 2013

The Beauty and the Beast

The play  located at the Centre "The Beauty and The Beast" was as beautiful as the Disney movie. Everybody knows "Beauty and the Beast" story from the Disney Movie: A young prince cursed to become a beast until true love will only break it. After several month or years Belle ,a strange girl in the village, went to the forest then to the Beast's castle  to save her father and in return she took her father place as a guest of the castle with the Beast and his animated object servants. Eventually Belle and the Beast begin to love each, and for rest of the story WATCH THE MOVIE.  theI love the animate object character songs, costumes, and dancing. Despite the technical difficulties, the transition were natural thank to the staff.  The opera singing Mrs. Potts in the "Beauty and the Beast" song. Diana said that this play is much better than high school play, but I doubt that to me both of the people work hard to malt the play great. The actor who played the childish CHIP was cute and funny. 

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