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May 22, 2014

What The Point?!

     On May 18, 2014  I, Adrian Parchman, graduated that day. After completing the Baccalaureate and Graduating Ceremony, I felt like I am over it everything that cause me stress over the year. First is to complete my homework assignment and projects, next fear of up and coming test, getting the perfect grade, social event that I am force to attend by my mother like clubs or groups, parental nagging, driver practice, and finally public event that center around me. What did I felt back than? I felt exhausted because I barely had time to for myself for a change also felt lonely. Why is that? I don't know, but the sting that I felt when my classmate partner up and I am the only one left out can give an impression disbelieve that no one want me as a partner.
     Another problem is religious belief found not only at school but at home. A lot of statement about Catholicism/Christianity is a bunch of hypocritical junk because a lot of the teaching like truth, justice, love, etc. can be found through-out other form of religion like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and others that learn in "World Religion" class. What can you find in common with all types of religion in the world? They require sacrifices from a person. Another reason is people are so religious that they are willing to persecute other who are not part of or violate the norm of the religious order. I believe in independent thoughts and action ,than what other people have taught me over the year. Some say that we need God in our life when times are tough, when our luck is down, when we need someone the most, but whose is it to pick up the piece that is left behind after everything is broken? It is us, our physical self not some intangible God/gods.
     It is not that I don't believe in God or the various gods spoken in "World Religion" class, but there is something more out there than in our single perspective of the world. I believe in souls, God/gods, true and justice, innocent until proven guilty, life, chi, parallel and alternate universe, and  pure imagination. I am an anomaly in the universal system of cogs that make me different form other that I know. While other operate within the system, I'll will under the radar creating, imagining, wondering, and destroying everyone way of life into a new and became a society of nothing where people can create anything in their image.
    Over the past four year in high school have gave me a sense of purpose, self, and also learn some useful skills. I begin to appreciate art and wanted to be an artist, but I am not artistic in painting and drawing. I can picture the image in my mind but can't transfer it onto the paper; clearly I need some more training in drawing. Photographing seems simpler than painting and drawing, and I like taking picture. Another dream is to be a baker, but I expected Home Economics (HE) to be in high school. Now I want to be a author because I am great writing short story but bad with grammar, but I need more practice. Also may become a director/producer for movie or show. Over all I want to get a job that involve being creative and express my imagination.
     Great teacher, great friends, cute girls, great play, and great dance is what sums up all the experience I had at Memorial. Despite that I glad I graduate from there because school took up my whole day and prefer not going to college not just yet. Now I just watch TV all day and the weekend is normal as usual if you know me. Goodbye humbly existence and hello to my lazy existence!

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