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Aug 14, 2014


What is the main powerhouse of human body, the heart or the brain? Wrong my followers it is the soul that help power the whole human body while the organs (heart, brain, skin, eyes, stomach, etc.) help keep the physical body alive. There have been several subjects on soul from religion (Christianity, Hinduism, Catholicism, etc.) to the pop culture world (Soul Eater, One Piece, and Full-Metal Alchemist Original and Brotherhood), but scientists have disregarded the notion of soul and called it one's life forces (Futurama Season 7, Episode 4). Even if you call a soul by it's name or any other still does not disprove the source of human, animal, and plant life.
Chapter 1: Life
The soul can be wild or spirited, so how can a unstable, powerful force be contain within a mere mortal body? Once a baby is born they come with a built in barrier and soul either by reincarnation or the half of a soul of the parents. The Barrier help keep the soul in place no matter what like the soul is incased within a super-ball bouncing around the body as you move. Unfortunately the barrier is only temporary; once the body dies the barrier, like the organs, decay like a decomposable bag  in the environment and release the soul into the world. A possessing soul like demons, angels, or ghosts can occupy any barrier while pushing the occupant's soul in the process.

Think of  the barrier as not only preventing the soul from getting loose, but the driver's wheel for the whole body. In the show Supernatural and  Blue Exorcist, Angels, Demon, and Ghosts are born in different world and their original body can not operate well in the human world, so they must possess humans, animals, fungi, and, objects to even make contact between the two worlds. The minor demons are able to possess anyone with ease, but very powerful demons like Lucifer (S) and Satan (BE) need a suitable host because any other medium would just deteriorate for a short period of time. Exorcisms forces the demons out of the body's barrier which help the original owner gain control. Angels must have permission by the host to be able to possess them. Ghost applies the same rule to demons. What happen to the original owner is unknown to others maybe the person remain aware to the situation, or is unaware during the whole possession.

Jul 17, 2014

My World

Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) once said on the new show Girl Meets World "You got make the world yours." Some consider a special place or special someone as their world where everything they own, everything that help them remember who they are, and everything that make them special. What I consider my world is my room filled with my joys and necessaries that I cannot live without movies, anime/manga, books, and TV. I often feel lonely outside my world like an outsider even through I try and try time and again to make peace with the residents of other planets; my only confront in my world was also things that made me laugh too. I travel high and low on earth, hike through even outside Evansville, and I still wish to go back home to my world. Even through travel from place to place and room to room, like traveling to a different planets, I still consider my room, my home, my world, my whole universe.
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.” -Charlie Chaplin

 Much like earth it changes everyday with trees that continue to grow, flowers that continue to bloom and sprout, the seas continue to make waves and tides, and the wind continues to blow and change everyday. In other words we cannot control change once it start no can stop only prevent it. Here examples from my life in which I do not control which everything changing around me.
  • My mom decided to move the family to Nashville (I really hate country music)
  • My dad getting a new apartment which new living arrangement to settle into
  • Bunking with my sister again ever since we had to live with Maw-Maw
  • and Finally the last straw my mom forcing me to attend college without considering my feeling
Everyone is are changing for the better, except for me. I still cannot drive, I have not figured out what to do with my live, I have no friend, no girlfriend, no job, and everyone treating me like a children. Instead of adapting into the new world out there why not just conquered the whole damn world and make it into your own image.

Face it the world is cruel and unusual place to some people when you have a bad day, a death in the family, a disease that is incurable, etc. Sometime we beg the world to change why not force the world to change. All the thing that I cannot control right now or those who have wrong me will pay if I control the world like a god much like Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space in Future Diary, to change everything to my image, my values, and my way, so I can finally fit in like World Domination. Either or change the world to be like my various of manga, comics, shows, and movies like superheroes and villains, romance, futuristic and mythic weapon, battling against monster and demons, and many more. If you had the chance to change the world for the better or even expand "your" world beyond the boundaries of reality?!

What can I say? I am speechless, I was bottled up inside with pure anger and resentment; but I am still lonely. Are these the quality  of an psychopath, an killer, an evil mastermind, or an villain in the future? A lot goes through my mind recently, thinking very differently than any other person in this world, with my state of mind in which preoccupies me from doing my regular routines. In the end I just do not know what to do with this world; for now today is not the end it is the beginning. This is my world, I am going to protect it, make it my own, and I am going to make my choice what going to happen to it.

May 22, 2014

What The Point?!

     On May 18, 2014  I, Adrian Parchman, graduated that day. After completing the Baccalaureate and Graduating Ceremony, I felt like I am over it everything that cause me stress over the year. First is to complete my homework assignment and projects, next fear of up and coming test, getting the perfect grade, social event that I am force to attend by my mother like clubs or groups, parental nagging, driver practice, and finally public event that center around me. What did I felt back than? I felt exhausted because I barely had time to for myself for a change also felt lonely. Why is that? I don't know, but the sting that I felt when my classmate partner up and I am the only one left out can give an impression disbelieve that no one want me as a partner.
     Another problem is religious belief found not only at school but at home. A lot of statement about Catholicism/Christianity is a bunch of hypocritical junk because a lot of the teaching like truth, justice, love, etc. can be found through-out other form of religion like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and others that learn in "World Religion" class. What can you find in common with all types of religion in the world? They require sacrifices from a person. Another reason is people are so religious that they are willing to persecute other who are not part of or violate the norm of the religious order. I believe in independent thoughts and action ,than what other people have taught me over the year. Some say that we need God in our life when times are tough, when our luck is down, when we need someone the most, but whose is it to pick up the piece that is left behind after everything is broken? It is us, our physical self not some intangible God/gods.
     It is not that I don't believe in God or the various gods spoken in "World Religion" class, but there is something more out there than in our single perspective of the world. I believe in souls, God/gods, true and justice, innocent until proven guilty, life, chi, parallel and alternate universe, and  pure imagination. I am an anomaly in the universal system of cogs that make me different form other that I know. While other operate within the system, I'll will under the radar creating, imagining, wondering, and destroying everyone way of life into a new and became a society of nothing where people can create anything in their image.
    Over the past four year in high school have gave me a sense of purpose, self, and also learn some useful skills. I begin to appreciate art and wanted to be an artist, but I am not artistic in painting and drawing. I can picture the image in my mind but can't transfer it onto the paper; clearly I need some more training in drawing. Photographing seems simpler than painting and drawing, and I like taking picture. Another dream is to be a baker, but I expected Home Economics (HE) to be in high school. Now I want to be a author because I am great writing short story but bad with grammar, but I need more practice. Also may become a director/producer for movie or show. Over all I want to get a job that involve being creative and express my imagination.
     Great teacher, great friends, cute girls, great play, and great dance is what sums up all the experience I had at Memorial. Despite that I glad I graduate from there because school took up my whole day and prefer not going to college not just yet. Now I just watch TV all day and the weekend is normal as usual if you know me. Goodbye humbly existence and hello to my lazy existence!

Apr 24, 2014

Temporary Hiatus until the End of School

Since school is about to end, teacher are offloading homeworks, projects, test, etc. to prepare for final week. For me I have to stay up late to even finish my assignment, and I barely can keep up with my personal responsibility for example my weekly blog, writing and poetry, catching up with my show like a soap opera, and just plain sleeping! I am overwhelm that I need to put my "Cartoon Catalogue" on temporary hiatus until I am free to do everything I want. So be patience my followers because it is only temporary. ;-) ALP

Apr 10, 2014

Becoming a Hero

Have anyone ever wonder what if your imagination, childhood dream, or even your hero were real? People as child have expected many experience based on TV to be true in real world, but reality is a cruel fate. Here is an analogy for my followers if any of you had watched The Greatest American Hero. Ralph Hinkley (William Katt) is the people and the special alien suit is our dream and wishes, and every time Ralph wear "the suit" we are realizing our dream. Everyone young or old wants to be a superhero from Batman to Hong Kong Phooey no matter what happens. We all wish to dawn on a tights, cape, and cowl, get some gadget, jump from rooftop to rooftop, and save the world from evil and corruption. Even I wish that the real world was dead and the world of superhero became realty, but the harsh world and people want to put us down. We all want to become a hero in this world

Why do we want to be heroes? Is it for the fame and glory, the appreciation, the superpowers, etc., that is up the individual? For me I want to be recognize for what I did then to be just ignore by the mass, and the superpower would be the icing on the cake. Unfortunately sometime our obsession can lead you down the path of destruction and villainy.
 For example in the movie The Amazing Spider-man 2, the character Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) idolized Spider-man ever since he saved his life, and also he remember his name. Max was unappreciated everywhere he went and wished to stand out, until the accident the made him Electro. Unfortunately his obsession of being the hero and known was his downfall and became a villain in the first place. Obsession can lead anyone down two path good or evil, right or wrong, and dark or light.
  • Batman- To  avenge his parents and clean up the street of Gotham
  • Green Arrow- To cleanse the city from the greedy businessman who corrupted it
  • Spider-man- "With Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility" -Uncle Ben
  • Poison Ivy- To save the plant kingdom
  • Mr. Freeze- To save his wife Nora
  • Deadman- Who kill him in the first place
  • These are the few Heroes and Villains feature in this blogpoint
"Heroes" are generally people we respect, admired, and role modeled after. the definition of the word "Hero" not only the protector of the good but can refer people thinking he or she is doing the right thing in there own perspective. For example the Batman is known as a vigilante or menaces by the Gotham Police expect for Commissioner Gordon but a hero of justice to others. The same treatment can also be said to Spider-man describe by J. Jonah Jameson on the Daily Bugle. Criminals and Villains can also look up to other super-villains as idol or heroes in their own way. With heroes are a  role model or menaces, maybe is in the eye of the beholder.

People not only look towards fictional characters as Heroes, but also real life heroes like Firefighter or Policemen.
More Next Time. See You Later Followers

Mar 20, 2014

Spring Break

Spring Break is coming up in one or two day!? There will be a lot of people doing fun stuffing for example Family Vacation, Convention in far away cities, Traveling to different countries, Staying at home because this the week to relax and free, and more that will make every teenager and even adults to forget their worries and responsibilities (until the dreaded MONDAY). My followers with Spring Break coming up we all need one freaking day to relax and do something else out of the ordinary, so I will not write a blog post next week. Please come back in two week for the blog post.

Cartoon Catalogue Reflection: Nova- The Proof

Mathematician through-out history has been working long and hard to find the proof in the Fermat’s Last Theorem. Pierre de Fermat, a French mathematician, proposed that the Pythagorean Theorem (x2+y2=z2) which no number other than two can be the same, but he found the proof. Unfortunately, Fermat die before delivering the news and the proof was lost to the ages. Only Andrew Wiles had the ambition to solve it when he was only ten years old. At that age he often visits the library; one day Andrew checked out a book about Pierre de Fermat's history and his last theorem. From then on he had a dream of solving the theorem and finding the proof. For seven years he isolated himself from others and even his wife to avoid any interference that would delay the process of solving it. After seven years he finally found the proof because of many different methods from other mathematician to achieve his dream, but it cost him his marriage and most of his life in the process.

 When have we said we would go to do something we have dreamed since we were little and never done it? Well the world finally has someone who did and his name is Andrew Wiles, yet he made the wrong approach of doing so. People might get sidetracked or even give up on their while others devote their whole lives. Everybody can find a halfway point on achieving their dreams between abandoning them and obsessing over them. Dreams are something that help us see the world motivate us to something better help us see clearly, and much more but how do you know when it is too much of a price to pay for. A life lesson from the video is, do not spend most of life on your dream, but do it little by little so that you can have a life.